The Dreampower Foundation Introduction

Take a Tour of the Ranch
There’s much to see here!
Interview with the Founder
Diane Benedict

Dottie the blind horse thanks you for her hay!
You can use the DONATE button below, or send a tax-deductible gift directly to The Dreampower Foundation, P.O. Box 926, Castle Rock, CO 80104.
You may choose to donate to us a portion of your Amazon orders. Go to smile.amazon.com and select The Dreampower Foundation/PAALS.

The History of the Ranch

In the 1860s, the Alderman family homesteaded this property and called it the Cherry Creek Stock Farm. The house in this photo was moved a century ago to its present position in the barnyard.
Louis & Jack
Gratitude List
Just to Name a Few …
Dave Baker~Elena Benedict~Celeste Benedict~Elise Benedict~Patricia Benedict~Verna Benedict~Tim Brown~Bradley B. Browne~John Bucchino~Sandy Claypool~Kay Clements, Esq.~Tom Cole~Bethany Cowing~McKenzie Croft~Mike Davis~Delcota Ranch Rescue~Colonel Gregory P. Dillon, Retired~Iron Horse Equine~Lester Fazoua~Jocelyn and “Fitz” Fitzgibbon~Janie and Alan Fortney~Pam Grier~Steven Guthrie~Mike Hendrickson~Damion Horne, Esq.~Cliff and Thea Karch~Kathy and George Keithline~H. Grant Keithline~Sarah Gwen Kincaid~Alex Klindt~Karen Kupersmith, Esq.~Gina Liebhauser~Zarin Neugebauer~The Estate of Lan Nguyen~Mike and Lee Maracci~J and B Ranch~Suzanne Schaefer~Allen Schoen, DVM~Steven Schwartz~The Dale and Merita Smith Family~Eleanore Smith~Ron Smith~Bill Snowden, Esq.~Tamara Sorley, DVM~Brian Steck~Lise St. Amant~Jessica Taylor, PhD~Jackie Washburn~Frank Wentworth~Laura White~Garcia Wood~Walter Zukowski

In Memoriam
In Closing
The saying goes, “The history of man is strewn with the bones of a horse.” We at PAALS choose to honor that sacrifice. The horses of The Dreampower Ranch come in all sizes, ages, and conditions. They are all treated with love and care.
Over the decades The Dreampower Ranch has hosted many groups and families. As PAALS indicates by its meaning, animals and people are better loving and caring for each other together. This world’s humans must evolve to the goodness level of animals and Nature.
Is there really any other choice?

“It Feels like Home”
“It Feels like Home” music and lyrics by John Bucchino, sung by Diane Benedict.
“Grateful” music and lyrics by John Bucchino, sung by Ann Marie Milazzo.
Dr. Allen Schoen, Holistic Integral Veterinary Healthcare
C.A.L.M. (Conscious Animal Lovers Movement)